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Rondane 2001
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2001-07-23 - Rondslottet
After spending the night at the camping site in Otta it was time to unwind before the journey home. Rondane was next and that is why we drove by car up to Mysueter and continued to Spranghaugen.
A lively discussion about the disposition of the hike followed. Should we walk from the car up to the castle Ronda and then back to the car, or should we make a base camp in Rondvassbu and proceed from there? We finally decided that the base camp alternative was the best. None of us felt like walking three extra hours two days in a row.

Instead we now had a different problem; how were we supposed to carry all the equipment to Rondvassbu when we only had our small backpacks? The problem was solved by packing tent, food etc in a large IKEA bag that Berra and Hansson carried between them. This probably amused the passing Norwegians as most of them had a superior grin on their faces. In Rondvassbu they are probably still talking about the crazy Swedes that carried everything in a plastic bag instead of in a backpack like normal people!

After a bit more than one hour we got to Rondvassbu and started to look for a suitable place to pitch our tent. We found it by the track towards Smuksjöseter. It proved to be a desirable spot. While cooking our food, hot dogs and mashed potatoes, at least two other groups were there looking for a place to camp. But they had to give up and retreat. It is a question of being first!

The walk up to the castle Ronda started at 2 PM. At first the track consisted of a stony path that was not difficult to follow. At the end of the valley up towards Vinjeronden we had to climb a snowy slope that pretty soon turned to being rocky. At the same time the track turned off north and up towards Vinjeronden. Now we recognised the surroundings but we were a bit disappointed. We had counted on fine and easy paths on which to hike not heaps of stones. But because of the training and experience of stony paths that we had from our time in Jotunheimen this did not cause any major problems.

At Vinjeronden we met a Norwegian couple that just had been up at the top despite the bad weather. We took a short chocolate break before continuing with determined strides towards the top. The weather shifted, it was foggy and it drizzled. But we continued to have luck. As we came closer to the top the weather improved. The sun started to break through the clouds. Luck, as always!

After taking some photos and another food break we started the hike towards our base camp in Rondvassbu. This did not cause any major problems and we got there at 8 PM. But we could feel the stony decent in our knees that ached.

After some food and a visit to the tourist cabin in Rondvassbu, where we had some beer (a real luxury!), we felt pretty tender and sore when we got back to our tent. None of us had any problems falling asleep and unlike earlier camping places we all lay pretty comfortable.
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Picture 01d-1-1
The car park at Spranghaugen.
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Picture 01d-1-2
When our small back packs were filled we had to use an Ikea bag.
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Picture 01d-1-3
All the Norwegian we met were smiling when the saw the Ikea bag.
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Picture 01d-1-4
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Picture 01d-1-5
A view from the tent place towards Rondvassbu.
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Picture 01d-1-6
Another picture of Rondvassbu taken from the hill towards Storronden.
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Picture 01d-1-7
It was easy the walk in the valley before Vinjeronden.
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Picture 01d-1-8
But later on the terrain became more stony on the ground.
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Picture 01d-1-9
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Picture 01d-1-10
Storbotn and Langglupdalen.
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Picture 01d-1-11
On the top of Vinjeronden.
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Picture 01d-1-12
A view of Rondslottet.
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Picture 01d-1-13
Notice the slaty cliffs.
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Picture 01d-1-14
The steep towards Storbotn.
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Picture 01d-1-15
We finally reached the top.
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Picture 01d-1-16
Langglupdalen far away.
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Picture 01d-1-17
A view back to Vinjeronden.
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Picture 01d-1-18
A classic top photo.
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Picture 01d-1-19
Probably one of the highest we’ve seen.
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Picture 01d-1-20
Storronden to the left.
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