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On this page you can read a little bit more about how this site is made, what equipment we use and tips & tricks.

This is what you as a user must have to browse the pages

The pages are optimized for Internet Explorer 4.0 or later versions. If you are using Netscape the version ought to be newer than 4.5. Because most viewers are using Explorer, most effort have been made for those users.

If you don't fulfil the points above you can download a new webbrowser from Microsoft or Netscape.

Finally the pages are optimized for the resolution 1024x768 or more.

This is how the pages are made

The pages doesn't use frames or other advanced features which means that most browsers aught to read the pages with no problems. Many of you probably wonder why we doesn't use frames which should make the programming of the pages a lot easier. But the reason is that many users save shortcuts to subpages they are reading and not to the main page. If we decide to rearrange our site this page would disappear and they will receive an error message (Error 404). Another disadvantage is that if you only opens the subpage the menus etc are not displayed while theese features often are placed in other frames.

We have selected another solution. By using just one file (index.php) and load all other pages from this file we doesn't have the disadvanteges of using frames. This means that only the index file is saved when making shortcuts. This file is always present so this shortcut will always work.

All our pages are written in PHP (works like ASP). Many of the pages are also using a database which means easier handling when updating the site. The travel stories (both pictures and the text), Jotunheimen guide, postcards and the guestbook are samples of pages using the database.

We have selected a classical navigation system placed to the left. The same menu are also placed at the bottom of every page which means that if the page are long you don't have to scroll to the top of the page when you want to select another subject. Finally there are buttons at the end of each page if you want to go back to the previous page, go to the top of the page or open a printer friendly page. This button open a new window with a page prepared for printing. All menus etc are removed which means that the page will fit on the printed paper.

Many technical and advanced features have been used to make an interactive and entertaining site. From the travel stories there are buttons for more information about the route described in the story. Every picture can be enlarged. At the same time this is registered in the database to create top lists of most popular pictures totally or just from one of our travels. Every picture (more than 1000!) can be sent as a postcard to friends or acquaintances. Perhaps one of the pictures show a place visited by you? Then send this picture to your hiking friends and revive old memories!

This is how all pictures are made

Most of the pictures are taken with a Nikon F50 and a 35/80 objective. An easy camera to use with posibilities to compose the pictures manually or use one of the automatic alternatives. Mostly we have chosen one of the programs in the camera, and specially auto or landscape.

All pictures are scanned with an Agfa Snapscan 1212u. To receive a good quality we have scanned all pictures with the enlargement of 200% which means that the original pictures gets the resolution 1757x1183 pixels.

After that all pictures are resized in Photoshop 5.0 to 500x337 pixels. This is easilly done using a macro for every picture. The hole operation can be done automatically which means that all pictures for the hole site can be created rapidly.

Finally all thumbnails are created in the same way but now with the resolution 100x67 pixels. To reduce size, all pictures are saved once in Paint Paint Shop Pro. The final picture are as small as possible whin it comes to file size.

Some of the pictures are taken with a modern digital camera Sony DKC-ID1. Mostly pictures for descriptions etc. This camera are equiped with a memory card which means that it's quite easy to move pictures from the camera to the computer. All you have to do is inserting the card in the computer and browse the card using the ordinary explorer! Because all pictures are saved in JPG-format you doesn't need to convert the pictures to other formats. The card can hold between 42 or 168 pictures depending on quality. The pictures on the glacier page (equipment) are taken with this camera.

We have resently bought another digital camera Fujifilm FinePix 4700. This camera can take ordinary pictures with up to 2400x1800 resolution and also moving pictures saved as avi-files! This camera uses the USB port for the communication with the computer. You can count on a lot of more pictures in the future!

Other pictures and illustations are made with different paint programs like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Illustrator.


If you have questions regarding the technical solutions, pictures etc please email us! Perhaps we can answer you. Please email Bert Lachner, responsible for the technical solutions on this site.

Specially thanks to:

Jan "Janneman" Laustsen for all the help with our Linux machine. Whithout him this site haven't been quite as good as now.

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