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Trollheimen 2002
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2002-07-19 - Kårvatn - Innerdalshytta
We were already on the track at 9.30 AM, that was really good. From now we had a couple of kilometres downhill before the next stop at Kårvatn. There were lots of nasty creeps in the forest like mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects. Because of that we walked at high speed without any breaks. In the area with some huts we noticed two wooden trolls in a tree. Really nice!

A genuine Norwegian wooden house waited for us in Kårvatn. We stopped and consumed our sandwiches. The Norwegian tourist association own a hut here with no staff. But you can borrow a key if you like. We continued on a gravel road before the path uphill to the mountain. It was very hot because of the sun and the steep hill and we had no water. There were lots of lingonberry and bilberry so we could have spent many hours gathering berries. The ground was blue and red! But true men don’t do that…

When we passed the tree boarder and found a creek it was time for dinner. The water tasted nice and the food was delicious, tunnyfish with rice.
We kept walking in the berry terrain and after a while the landscape changed to a more stony one. The weather became worse and worse, that’s why we couldn’t take any pictures at Björåsskardet.

After the ridge we thought that we had an easy hike down to Innerdalen but we were wrong. The path was steep and very slippery. Of course the heavy backpacks made it worse. But when we finally saw the most perfect tent place in the world we all forgot that we were tired. It was situated near the path and with a great view. A river with a waterfall was perfect for a refreshing bath.

After a classic dinner we felt that we had nothing to do so we decided to make a huge fire. Then we could dry our wet socks and boots. But the socks doesn’t seemed fire proof so Hansson got a large hole in one of his pair.
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Picture 02-5-64
The cows have used this track so there was no problem to find the way down to Kårvatn.
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Picture 02-5-65
Can you see the horse in the center of the picture?
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Picture 02-5-66
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Picture 02-5-67
A troll was guarding a cottage near Kårvatn.
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Picture 02-5-68
The trolls girlfriend was also there.
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Picture 02-5-69
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Picture 02-5-70
We took a short break outside the DNT-hut.
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Picture 02-5-71
Lingoberrys and bilberrys was found on the path towards Storhaugen.
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Picture 02-5-72
A view back towards Kårvatn.
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Picture 02-5-73
Magnus take care of the washing up for the first time!
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Picture 02-5-74
Lovely landscape.
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Picture 02-5-75
Todalsfiord far away.
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Picture 02-5-76
When we reached Björåsskardet we was met by the fog.
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Picture 02-5-77
The first sight of Reindölsätra.
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Picture 02-5-78
Nice camping place with a bubble pool in the river and lovely views.
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Picture 02-5-79
Chocolate is always nice.
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Picture 02-5-80
Drying of socks. Unfortunatelly the socks caught fire.
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