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The site for everybody interesting in hiking in ScandinaviaFri 21 February 2025
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Jotunheimen 1999
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After some discussions we decided to try a glacier course. Krossbu in the northern Jotunheimen will be fine. We had three really fine days with snow and ice. Last year when we walked to Skogadalsböen we noticed Midtmaradalen in west. We all thought that this valley must be explored in future. As you can read, we did it this year. The hike became an adventure with some classic troubles that we laugh at every time we see the pictures.

Below you can see the day trips for this hike. Select the day you want to read more about by clicking on the day tab at the top of this page. If you want to se a map, just click on the map tab.

  • Day 0: The travel

  • Day 1: Glacier course on Bøverbreen (comrade rescue in an ice crack)

  • Day 2: Glacier course on Bøverbreen (comrade rescue in a snow crack)

  • Day 3: Orienteering on Leirbreen to Storebjørn and back home over Smørstabbreen.

  • Day 4: Turtagrø - Midtmaradalen

  • Day 5: Midtmaradalen - Hjelle

  • Day 6: Hjelle - Turtagrø (resting day)

  • Day 7: Gjendesheim - Memurubu - Memurubudalen

  • Day 8: Memurubudalen - Surtningssui - Memurubu

  • Day 9: Memurubu - Bukkelægret - Gjendebu

  • Day 10: Juvvasshytta - Galdhøpiggen

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