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The site for everybody interesting in hiking in ScandinaviaSat 22 February 2025
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Svensk/Swedish version
Jotunheimen 1999
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1999-07-18 - The travel to Krossbu/Jotunheimen
It was time for the yearly hike to Norway and some relaxing. After weeks of planning we were ready for the first part of our trip. Volkswagen Passat was the hostess this time and there were two sceptical Saab owner who jumped into the car. But the owner himself promised that the car was lovely to drive.

The journey becomes rather slow when we reached the border. The traffic is enormous and most of the cars come from Norway. They are on their weekly shopping trip, you know, it's much cheaper in Sweden. I can't remember that the car even reach more than 70 km/h despite of Magnus "Fittipaldi" driving.

After a lot of food breaks, you can't drive hungry, we arrive to Krossbu in darkness. It felt like we had came a bit up in height when the chilly evening air reached my face. We quarter and then we got some equipment. The glacier course had already started so we had to practice some knots before bedtime. The bed were not adapted to tall Swedish Vikings, you couldn't really stretch out.

We had no problem to fall in sleep.
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