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Nordmarka 1999
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1999-10-15 - Preparation and hiking from Grua to Mylla
We began to prepare the very important food a week before. During the whole Sunday everyone in the area could almost smell a taste of food while we were cooking culinary dishes one by one. We remained calm the days before because we didn't know a thing about the hike. But we suspected that it should be an easy weekend.

Thursday eve at 17.00 we started to drive towards our neighbor country and Oslo. At the boarder we stopped because we needed some Norwegian coins for the road toll in Oslo. The traffic wasn't so heavy like we had the last time we were here and we arrived the outskirts of the town at 21.30. Then Hansson got a bright idea not to use the city map. And here we quote: "We don't need the f****** map, we just follow road number three and we will be right on target". After an hour of driving around included a visit on Karl Johann (lot of people? Of course!) we managed to drive out of the city. A U-turn later we pass a road toll again. The man there gave us a new map where he had marked what way to drive. Thanks a lot! After a while the phone suddenly rings. Mette was wondering if we had crashed the car. With her help (not Hansson) we found the address at last. The rest of the evening was spent on planning at Marit's apartment. Does she really have to live so close to god, 6th floor? The ladies had planned a really nice little trip, which was called "Along Nordmarka". It seemed to be 56 kilometers long and of course the hardest one in Nordmarka.

Friday morning, we went up very early because we had to move the car to another parking. Mette and Marit were probably already on their work. There was no problem to move the car but later when we were supposed to open the gate to building we noticed that the key didn't fit. We tried also with violence but it didn't work. So what to do when the time is 8 AM and you got no key to the gate? We waited an hour until a neighbor opened up.
Time for activities. We completed the food in a local store. This time we were smart when we didn't locked the gate. But it was a surprised Hansson who still couldn't open the door. Oh shit! The door was opened in that direction, was his comment when Bert opened it.

We decided to take a sightseeing tour to the city when we saw that lovely weather outside. A shorter walk down the road and we were all in a sudden inspecting the sport stores. Without overdo we both thought that the stores are much better here in Norway. It's not the last time we walk here. In the afternoon we spent some hours with our backpacks. Mette came first and then Marit carrying a baby bag. Had she invited more people? No, she had just left a little baby to another hospital before she ended the work for the day.

We parked the car at Sognsvann and we took the train north to Grua. The time was 17.30 and we were out in the fields. It became darker and darker and it was difficult to see the path. Four stars were now walking through the darkness and millions of them up in the sky while it became very cold.

At last we reached Mylla at 19.00 and we couldn't see a thing so we put up the tents near a parking.
It was food time and responsible for that were Bert and Jonas. We decided quickly to have chicken filets with rice. We were all pleased with the meal and when it was so chilly outside we jumped into the tent and played some cards. Mette had brought a home made cake with carrots with her. A wholesome and good tasting cake.

I will congratulate the one who didn't freeze during the cold night. It was probably 5 to 10 degrees below zero!
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Picture 99b-1-1
The swedish kitchen is making food for hungry Norwegians.
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Picture 99b-1-2
Two back packs waiting for the Nordmarka hiking tour.
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Picture 99b-1-3
Grua Railway station. We started our hike from this place.
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