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Sunnmörsalpane 2000
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2000-07-07 - Molladalen
We went to Langevåg and the Devold factory. Here they make wool products like sweaters, socks and sport underwear which are very popular. After an hour we almost looked like Norwegians with our new sweaters and wool socks.

Our tour continued and we began to be a bit hungry so we stopped at a parking place. We made a delicious gulash soup in the heavy rain. Some of us just sat inside the car waiting for the food. I heard this comment: "Why go outside and get wet when we can sit here in the car". Who it was? Just take a look at the pictures!

After a couple of ferries and bridges we reached the bird island Runde. This island seemed to be a popular place for bird watchers. We saw cars from all over the world. The landscape was very fascinating with it's grassy hills and the wild sea all around.

With a fast walk up to the hill we could study the birds better. There were thousands of birds in the hillsides and they were not afraid of people. We saw a man sitting less than a meter from a Lunne bird. It's amazing. When walked down the raindrops began to fall again.

After a delicious salmon dinner (even Jonas, who normally don't eat fish, liked it) we went out for a new fishing competition. This race was full of dirty tricks. Mette said that she had a large one on the fishing rod many times. But we saw nothing. Finally the Norwegians were so extremely lucky when they got a very, very small fish. We haven't seen Mette so happy before. We Swedes managed also to get a fish a while after but it was too late. As a remark we can tell you that the master fisher himself didn't got a chance to fish while he was steering the boat. But the next time...

Later in the evening we managed to knock the Norwegians in "agurk". We are all the winners!

Norway-Sweden: 2-2
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Picture 00b-4-40
Cooking near the road. Heavy rain was falling.
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Picture 00b-4-41
Marit and Magnus are waiting for some food. Why go out when you can wait inside!
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Picture 00b-4-42
On our way over the grassy hills of Runde.
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Picture 00b-4-43
You could walk down the hill to see the birds better.
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Picture 00b-4-44
Beautiful view from the edge.
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Picture 00b-4-45
Many birds were located at the steep hillside.
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Picture 00b-4-46
Heavy clouds in the background.
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Picture 00b-4-47
Two birds on a stone.
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Picture 00b-4-48
One of them flew away.
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Picture 00b-4-49
Look there says Mette and everyone are looking.
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Picture 00b-4-50
Beautiful views over the Norwegian island landscape.
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Picture 00b-4-51
Group picture from the top of Runde.
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Picture 00b-4-52
The day was finished with a fishing competition between Norway and Sweden.
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Picture 00b-4-53
Norway were lucky to catch the first fish and Mette was very happy about it.
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Picture 00b-4-54
But the Swedes were not far behind.
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