The recipe below are suitable for day trips or as sunday dinner.
6 pieces of chicken breast.
2 dl bouillon.
2 dl cream.
Some spoons of meal.
Salt, grill spice, paprica powder and some soja.
Eventually some other spicies like garlic, cayenne etc.
This is how we make the chicken sauce
Cut the chicken breasts in two pieces.
Marinade the chicken in salt, grill spice, paprica powder and soja. If the grill spice are salty you can left out the salt.
Roast the chicken hard with a lot of butter so they receive a goldenbrown surface.
Move the chicken to a pot and add some water and the buillon. Let all mutter for about 1 hour.
Remove the chicken and add meal, water and cream. Whip the sauce to suitable consistency.
Put the chicken back in the sauce and let everything mutter for about 10 to 15 min.
Add more spieces if you want.