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The site for everybody interesting in hiking in ScandinaviaWed 19 February 2025
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Svensk/Swedish version
Gaustatoppen 2001
CommonMap 1  2 

Midsummer in Norway? Why not?!? We bought Herrings and potatoes (a tradition on midsummer eve in Sweden) in the nearest shop, jumped into the car and drove away. Our goal for this trip was the famous sabotage path in Rjukan and a visit on the 1883 m high Gaustatoppen.

Some Norwegian war history and some training is a good combination. After that we planed a nice midsummer dinner but we left the herrings and the potatoes in Varberg. Hmmm. When we walked up towards the peak of Gausta we said to eachother that skis would be better. But we reached the peak and was met by two Norwegian ladies in the cottage.

Below you can see the day trips for this hike. Select the day you want to read more about by clicking on the day tab at the top of this page. If you want to se a map, just click on the map tab.

  • Day 1: Sabotage path - Vemork

  • Day 2: Gaustatoppen

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